About the ICCI

Institute of Сross-Border Cooperation and European Integration (ICCI) is a community organization.

The aim of ICCI is to promote cross-border cooperation, to perform researching, informational and organizational support of advanced European experience implementation by foreign and domestic investments attraction into the cross-border region.

The main priority of ICCI is the development and maintenance of environmental, energy and social cross-border projects as well as tourism development.

The objectives of the ICCI are:

  • to promote the awareness of cross-border cooperation policy;
  • to monitor the problems of cross-border areas of Ukraine and neighboring countries and to develop proposals (programs) to address them;
  • promotion and organization of training of specialists in the field of cross-border cooperation as well as scientific research performance;
  • organization of conferences, seminars and economic missions;
  • preparation and implementation of cross-border projects and programs;
  • preparation and publication of information materials.

The governing bodies of the Institute of Сross-border Cooperation and European Integration are:


Fedak Taras, PhD

tel.: 032-272-26-42; 067-676-32-08
e-mail: TBdep@ukr.net


Matolych Bogdan
e-mail: mbm_55@ukr.net 

Director of Science

Mikula Nadiya

Deputy Director

Kmit Yuriy 
e-mail: kmit@alexia.com.ua